Council Updates for Schools
Southwark 2030 Strategy
Southwark 2030 is a partnership strategy, co-produced through engagement with over 2000 residents and partners from every part of the public, voluntary and community sectors. It sets out an ambitious and long-term partnership vision for 2030, for what we want
Southwark to look and feel like in the future – and what the people who live, work, study and visit Southwark have told us that they want to see. The strategy is driven by Southwark’s needs, yet capitalises on our strengths, with a clear set of integrated goals which will help us to achieve it. It includes a strong commitment to empowering people, reducing inequality, and investing in prevention. It sets a priority of delivering a Good Start in Life for all our children and young people, and that means working together to improve outcomes from the early years right through to adulthood.