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Schools climate action guide and template

Putting your climate plan into action

Hopefully the above has provided a guide to creating an effective climate action plan. This plan will result in simple, positive steps being taken by your school.

Once you have decided which actions you will take and committed resources to this, we recommend publishing your climate action plan on your school’s website. The benefit of publishing your plan is that it holds you accountable and ensures you take the actions that you have pledged to take.

It is also an opportunity to highlight what your school has achieved and showcase your school as a leading example tackling climate change. You may wish to identify when you will provide an update on delivering your plan. For example, this could be at the end of every school year, and you may wish to involve pupils or organise an assembly on it.

If you require any further information or support, you can get in contact with the council by emailing our team

Climate action advisors

For further support with your climate action plans, Let's Go Zero Climate Action Advisors are now in place across the whole of England. They can deliver a free support programme to all schools, colleges and nurseries across England.

They offer schools a trusted expert on:

  • taking quick wins to reduce energy use and wider carbon impact
  • retrofitting a school. Including options, routes to funding, priorities and next steps
  • using government and private funding options
  • accelerating strategic sustainability across multi academy trusts
  • bringing together local and national organisations and projects who can help schools act
  • connecting with other local schools to share ideas
  • advising schools on their climate action plans.

They also work very closely with councils to ensure the best support is offered to schools. For more information visit their website.