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Early Years Inclusion Fund

Guide to levels of needs



Tier One funding level

Tier Two funding level

Attainment under 2 years- 9-23 months  Children 9-23 months will be eligible for funding where there is a clear diagnosis, or a health notification to SENDIP or when in receipt of DLA 



Beyond the age of 2 years, for each individual aspect children must be showing as;

  • achieving 6 months + below their expected level of development for tier 1 funding

Beyond the age of 2 years, for each individual aspect children must be showing as;

  • achieving 12 months + below their expected level of development for tier 2 funding.  


2 years

Children at the age of 2 are showing skills and development below (6 months+)that of what could be expected for their age.

Children at the age of 2 are showing skills and development well below or significantly below (12 months+) that of what could be expected for their age. It is likely that they will have significant difficulties accessing learning opportunities and will be developing and making progress more slowly or less evenly than other 2-year-olds. 

They are likely to demonstrate significant and enduring difficulties in one or more areas below at a significant level compared to same age peers.


3 years

Children at the age of 3 are showing skills and development below (6 months+)that of what could be expected for their age.

Children at the age of 3 are showing skills and development significantly below (12 months+) that of what could be expected for their age.


4 years

Children at the age of 4 are showing skills and development below (6 months+) that of what could be expected for their age.

Children at the age of 4 are showing skills and development significantly below (12 months+) that of what could be expected for their age.


Cognition and learning 

Mild to moderate difficulties in learning and or acquiring skills - short term or focussed interventions needed beyond those available within settings own practice. Refer to the Ordinarily Available Provision guidance.  

Moderate to severe difficulties in learning and/or acquiring skills (ongoing support needed) eg,. global developmental delay/impairment affecting most aspects of development and adaptive function to a severe degree. Refer to the Ordinarily Available Provision. 

Speech, Language and Communication  

Communication and Interaction  


Mild to moderate phonological and/or language impairment or delay. 

Mild social communication impairment. 

Fluency: mild-moderate stammering expected to improve after intervention.  

Refer to Speech & language UK for expected levels of language development:  

Ages and stages - Speech and Language UK: Changing young lives 

Moderate to severely delayed language development causing difficulty in communication. Speech supplemented by an alternative method of communication or inability to use speech in a socially interactive manner. Difficulties impact heavily on access to learning opportunities requiring a high level of differentiation to access curriculum. Moderate to severe social communication impairment Fluency: moderate to severe stammering. 

Refer to Speech & language UK for expected levels of language development:  

Ages and stages - Speech and Language UK: Changing young lives 




Able to contribute to process, although dependent on assistance to complete task to not yet aware or not consistently aware of self-care needs. Assistance required from carer throughout activity.

An application cannot be made on self care needs alone. These needs should only be reflected in an application if it is one of a number of areas of need that impact on the child's learning and development     

Vision and hearing

Sensory and/ or Physical Needs 

Visual function is impaired (e.g., one eye defect) but does not require significant aids specialist advice and monitoring

One sided severe hearing deficit; HL 20-40 dB, bilateral mild sensorineural hearing loss.

Visual function is impaired and will require specialist input

Unable to see/read large print/ pictures/symbols without aids. Severe field defect with poor acuity; registered blind

Hearing impairment, HL 41-70 dB Hearing aids issued

Restricted learning and communication due to hearing deficit; HL 71-94dB

Mobility/ co-ordination

Sensory and/ or Physical Needs

Independent but may have some coordination difficulties that require occasional use of aids or assistance/ supervision

Has some difficulties manipulating tools in an age-appropriate way

Developing independence but uses aids for part of the day and needs some assistance to unable to walk without aids e.g., walking frame, leg splints or be a wheelchair user - may have very poor balance and require support to transfer and access certain activities.

Handles tools/ objects with reduced quality and/or speed of achievement or difficulty, needs help to use tools or modified activities, in an age appropriate way.


Social, Emotional and Health Difficulties 

Unable to maintain an expected level of age appropriate attention showing 6 months + below their expected level of development (according to Development Matters and/ or Birth to 5 Matters). 


Unable to maintain an expected level of age appropriate attention showing 12 months + below their expected level of development (according to Development Matters and/ or Birth to 5 Matters). 

Social, emotional development

Social, Emotional and Health Difficulties  


Frequent but not severe disruption /difficulties in social/behavioural functioning or delay in developing skills needed for emotional well-being, relationships in accordance with Development Matters/ Birth to 5 Matters.

Difficulties or significant and persistent difficulties in social, emotional and behavioural development - frequent and severe challenging behaviours, including some that may be harmful to themselves or others.

Persistent problems causing dysfunction severe enough to need some extra support or supervision.  Marked difficulty in relating to other children or adults' Extreme difficulties coping with group activities, and unable to relate well with peers or adults requiring support and supervision. May also present as severely socially isolated or withdrawn.


Social, Emotional and Health Difficulties 

Has a medical condition that requires limited adult monitoring/support, and maintaining of a health plan

This on its own would not be sufficient to require funding unless there is an impact on other aspects of learning and development and CCG, (Clinical Commissioning Group) may fund training and support for this.

Has a medical condition that requires regular adult monitoring, staff training and awareness, a health plan and is impacting on access to /progress in learning opportunities or significant adult input and supervision from trained staff, liaison with Health Care professionals and support to access learning opportunities.



Beyond the age of 2 years, for each individual aspect children must be showing as;

  • achieving 6 months + below their expected level of development for tier 1 funding  

Beyond the age of 2 years, for each individual aspect children must be showing as;

  • achieving 12 months + below their expected level of development for tier 2 funding.  


Tier one funding level

Tier two funding level