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Local School Nature Grants to return for biggest year yet

Schools in England, Scotland and Wales can apply for up to £500 worth of free outdoor equipment and up to half a day of professional outdoor training to deliver outdoor learning and play.

The funding is being made available through the charity Learning through Landscapes’ Local School Nature Grant Programme and is funded by the players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Funding will also be open to Early Year’s settings which have their own building and more than five staff.

There will be four funding rounds throughout the year which will support a total of 900 schools.

The next closing date for applications is the 17th June 2022.

Local School Nature Grants to return for biggest year yet - LtL

Schools and early year settings across England, Wales and Scotland can apply for outdoor learning grants from 22 March 2022.

£500 of free equipment for outdoor learning

Primary schools & early years settings can apply. Next deadline 17th June.