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Update from Evelina School Nursing

The Lancaster Model (TLM) has gone live for Evelina School Nursing

TLM is a questionnaire, which is a validated, systematic, safe approach to immediately assess the needs of individuals and populations. The questionnaire targets parents of children who have started reception class, Year 6 pupils, Mid-Teens (year 9),  and school leavers (year 12).

As well as identifying CYP/families who require targeted follow up, TLM will help to generate public health data and embed person and community-centred approaches in the delivery of local services, and improve integrated working, using locally driven priorities to engage in a shared purpose.

Below is some information about the TLM Visionary events scheduled for:

28/11/2023 12pm-1pm

30/11/2023 1pm-2pm

At these stakeholder events, the creator and owner of The Lancaster Model, Kath Lancaster, will be presenting an overview of the model and will be available to answer any questions This is an opportunity to discuss the positive changes planned for our school nursing service delivery and how this relates to your specific area of work.

To register for the events please email

Read more about TLM

This month, the school nursing team have started a staged approach, offering the questionnaire to a handful of schools across Lambeth and Southwark for reception and year 9 children. They are planning a full roll out across the boroughs after Christmas, with a full implementation incorporating the other year groups from September 2024.