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Introductory Free Bereavement Training for schools

Winston’s Wish, the UK’s first bereavement charity for children and young people  has 2 training sessions for Southwark school staff running to help schools to feel better equipped to understand how grief impacts young people, what they can do to help and where they can go to seek advice and support.

On average 1 in 29 young people experience the death of a parent or sibling by the age of 16, this equates to one in every class and if we factor in bereavement of other relationships, this figure increases.  Bereaved young people’s education can be impacted negatively in different ways such as, a drop in attainment, increased drop out rate from schools, impairment of their ability to concentrate, decreased motivation and decrease in attendance.

For further information, please see below fliers

Winston's Wish Bereavement Training - Primary Schools (pdf, 2.4mb)

Winston's Wish Bereavement Training - Secondary Schools (pdf, 2.4mb)