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Ofsted roadshow

Ofsted are running a series of Best Start in Life curriculum roadshows for maintained nursery schools and any school with pre-reception age children attending around the UK and we are pleased to inform you Southwark’s event will be held on the 15th November at Millwall.

These half-day events will offer the opportunity to learn more about our Best Start in Life research reviews, what an effective curriculum for communication and language, PSED and physical development looks like in the early years, and how we look at the prime areas of learning at inspection.

These roadshows build on the previous roadshows on communication and language. It would be useful to watch the recording before attending.

Two representatives from your school are welcome to attend. Each person attending will need to register separately.

Current Ofsted Inspectors (OIs) are asked not to attend this event, as specific training is provided for inspectors separately.

Please note that there is no charge for attending one of these events and spaces are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Please find the registration link for the curriculum roadshow below:



Session time


Booking link

15 November



Maintained nursery schools and any  school with pre-reception age children  attending.

Click here to book on to the event