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Computer Subject Leaders Meeting - Summer Term 24/25

Curriculum teaching and learning Curriculum - Assessment Curriculum


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CategoryAssessment and Curriculum

Target audienceSchool Improvement Advisory Team

CPD points1

Total hours2

Type1 session/s




This is a FREE CPD session, facilitated by in school professionals these sessions will help subject leaders to plan, assess and evaluate the connectedness of the curriculum. In addition to that, we understand that budget is going to be stretched in schools and therefore the sessions will link to opportunities for external funding and resources.


Sessions look at Opportunities for Funding – digital and future projects, Planning the curriculum, as well as looking at challenges, Assessment, Survey of need – completion of needs analysis survey (Audit).

Session focus ideas welcome 



Fri 13:30

London Borough of Southwark (GO2c), 160 Tooley Street, GO2c, LONDON, SE1 2TZ

Session 1: 27 June 2025 - >
