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Science Subject Leaders Meeting - Autumn Term 2 24/25

Curriculum teaching and learning Curriculum - Assessment Curriculum

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CategoryAssessment and Curriculum

Target audienceSchool Improvement Advisory Team

CPD points1

Total hours2.5

Type1 session/s



These sessions support  subject leaders by providing updates on the latest developments in the subject, offering help and guidance in managing the subject, sharing information, experiences and good practice with colleagues from other schools.


The Science Subject  Leader meetings take place half termly and are an opportunity for subject leaders to meet, share good practice and develop an understanding of current issues and practice.

Sessions are held in person at Tooley Street

Tue 13:30

London Borough of Southwark (519), 160 Tooley Street, 519, London Bridge, SE1 2TZ

Session 1: 12 November 2024 - >
