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Wraparound childcare provision, what does quality look like?


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CategoryEarly Years PVI

Target audienceEarly Years PVI

CPD points0

Total hours3

Type1 session/s



This works shop will consider:

  • Compliance, the minimum needed to meet Ofsted’s requirements
  • What is Quality wraparound childcare?
  • What are the priorities for wraparound childcare suggested by the DfE?


Throughout the National Wraparound Childcare Programme Handbook it discusses high quality.

The workshop is an opportunity to discuss what is quality and what does it look like. What the priorities are and therefore what to include when considering areas to focus on at the club.

We will start by considering what must be in place to meet your Ofsted registration compliance and then how to build on this to ensure quality provision.

Mon 13:00

London Borough Southwark (GO 2a only), 160 Tooley Street, GO 2a only, London, SE1 2TZ

Session 1: 24 February 2025 - >
