Safer Recruitment Training (Full Course)
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CategoryHuman Resourses
Target audienceHuman Resources
CPD points0
Total hours7.5
Type1 session/s
CodeSRT 05/06/2025
Safer Recruitment Training (Children)
Southwark Schools Human Resources is committed to supporting schools meet the safeguarding requirements to keep children safe in education.
In line with Keeping Children Safe in Education, which is updated on an annual basis, schools and colleges must create a safe culture. As part of that safe culture, there should be recruitment procedures in place that help deter, reject or identify people who might harm children. At least one person on every panel must have completed Safer Recruitment Training.
Southwark Schools Human Resources is running Safer Recruitment training accredited by The Safer Recruitment Consortium and deliver this to schools, to ensure schools can meet their obligation to keep children safe in education.
Who is this training for:
Anyone who will be involved in recruitment and has not had any training within the last 4 years.
Focus of the training:
• Session 1 looks at how safer recruitment fits with the wider context of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, the scale of abuse, a model of offender behaviour, some of the recurring themes in high profile professional abuse cases and how child sex abusers typically operate within organisations, and relate that to recruitment.
• Session 2 illustrates the importance of planning a recruitment exercise, sending the right messages to potential applicants, following a consistent and thorough process to obtain relevant information about each applicant, and short-listing candidates for interview.
• Session 3 considers the importance of making the right decisions and using structured interviews to help do that, as well as pre-employment checks on the candidate selected for appointment.
• Session 4 examines the need for ongoing awareness and vigilance and considers how organisations can develop and maintain an environment that deters and prevents abuse and challenges inappropriate behaviour.
We offer the courses in-person. These sessions run over one full day.
Full Day (9.30-4.30pm) |
Schools buying into the core HR service |
£150 |
Schools not buying into the core HR service |
£200 |
Southwark Council , G01b, 160 Tooley Street , London , SE1 2QH
Session 1: 05 June 2025 - >