Transitions from EYFS to KS1 2024
EYFS Leadership and Management Curriculum teaching and learning
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CategoryLeadership and Management
Target audienceEarly Years Foundation Stage
CPD points1
Total hours2
Type2 session/s
These sessions are aimed at key stage one leaders and teachers to support them to plan for effective transitions between the early years and key stage one.
The session will provide the opportunity for Key Stage One teachers and leaders to familiarise themselves with the assessment requirements of the EYFS framework as well as find out more about how to support children during and after the transition from EYFS to Key Stage One.
The session will be delivered in two parts and we recommend that you attend both to get the full benefit. The sessions will be delivered as online meetings so please be prepared to take part in discussion
This session will be made available as on demand. Those wishing to access the session on demand should book or register prior to the event and a link will be sent to you a week after the event takes place