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HUMAN: Connect, Southwark's Schools Mental Health Newsletter - Summer 2 2024

HUMAN: Connect, Southwark's Schools Mental Health Newsletter - Summer Two 2024

Wellbeing First Logo

For Mental Health Awareness week, The Anna Freud Centre has put together a Toolkit that contains resources that explore the links between mental and physical health. Including materials to teach pupils more broadly about how to build good mental wellbeing and resources for staff, to both support your own mental health and to start conversations with your pupils.

Download the Toolkit here


Physical Activity & Mental Health Worlds, Together

Stormbreak - When the storm rages we teach children to find shelter and create light, calm and change through movement.What if we could inspire mentally healthy movement to help children become happier, healthier humans. Charity supporting skills with developing Mindul Movement, further details here 

Social Sports Society - Social Sports Society is devoted to uniting urban communities together through the love of sport. A team of experts from interdisciplinary backgrounds, our mission is to transform underused city terrain into gathering hubs, further details here

The Big Mile 

Entries are still open for the FREE family event, taking place on Sunday 1st September in Greenwich. Please do encourage your schools to share the info with their families. Register here:

Southwark’s Food and Fun Holiday Programme 2024

Decorative Summer of food and fun logo

Summer of Food and Fun

Find out about our school holiday activity and food programme for children aged four to 16 on benefits-related free school meals, and how to sign up. Further information here

Free summer activities for children and teens from Southwark Libraries

Events, workshops, and weekly stories for kids and teens are taking place in Southwark libraries this summer. Join us from 13 July to 7 September. Visit the website for all events

Move Games is an initiative to keep kids active and entertained throughout the summer across Southwark Leisure Centres, parks and pitches. Kids can pick up a Move Games booklet from a local Southwark Leisure Centre from 1 July and collect stamps and bronze, silver and gold stickers for taking part in a fun range of activities throughout the summer.

Free activities include: swimming, tennis, table tennis, BMX, Born to move classes, kids dance, sailing taster sessions, badminton. Chargeable activities from £2 - £5 include: Kayak sessions, basketball, fun activity sessions, football, fun athletics sessions

There’s also some Move Games events, the first one being a Wimbledon Open Day on 14 July at Burgess Park. More information about what’s on this summer can be found at

View the Move Games activity programme Move Games Programme – Leisure Facilities in Southwark (

Holiday Swim Courses - Southwark Splash Swim School are running swim crash courses for children aged 3+ throughout the school holidays at Peckham, Camberwell, Dulwich, Seven Islands and The Castle Leisure Centre. This is the perfect opportunity to begin your swim journey or progress your swimming skills and technique. It’s a great fun way to fill up the holidays!

For more information visit: Holiday swim school crash courses – Leisure Facilities in Southwark (

Kooth - 'Go somewhere good this summer': The summer holidays can mean lots more free time. But it’s easy to let the days go by, get lost in your phone, and down in your mood. Kooth asked hundreds of young people for their ideas for simple things to do  that can make you feel great,  Their top 20 ideas for activities for young people can be found here

Complete your My Whole Self MOT - Ensure you’re prepared to support others by first prioritising yourself. Keep track of your own mental health with Mental Health First Aid England's updated My Whole Self MOT. Don’t miss out on this valuable resource that equips you to provide support when needed. Bookmark the My Whole Self MOT tool now.

New Blog from The Department for Education - PE and it's impact on mental wellbeing 

Many schools have seen improvements to pupil behaviour, confidence and wellbeing as a result of excellent PE and sports provision. The Department for Education's recent guidance enhancing physical education provision and improving access to sport and physical activity in school gives examples of effective practice in schools. 

Read the full blog here 

The Daily Mile 

The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children – regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances.  Register your school here, if you haven't already

Association for Physical Education

The subject association for physical education in the United Kingdom, provides quality assured services and resources and valuable professional support for members and the physical education, school sport and physical activity sector. For resources and upcoming events, please see here

APPG for children meeting film - National Children's Bureau on behalf of the APPG for Children convened a meeting in Westminster with leading charities, youth sector organisations, the Children's Commissioner for England and young people. The aim was for you people to voice their priorities directly to major political parties and they have created a short film about the event.
Watch the film here

NCB Blog on bullying -  Blog post for schools and youth organisations to support them in distinguishing between banter and bullying. The blog covers: recognising when banter is appropriate, supporting young people to set boundaries and implementing a school-wide approach.

Read the blog here

Upcoming CPD and Training opportunities for Southwark Schools

Apply for Department for Education's Senior Mental Health Lead Training 

Apply for a £1,200 DfE senior mental health lead training grant and join the 7 in 10 schools and colleges, including over 8 in 10 secondaries that have already benefitted. The training will develop the knowledge, confidence and practical skills of your school or college mental health lead, with 89% undertaking the training, saying it enabled them to plan or improve their whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing. 

If you previously claimed a grant and your trained lead has left your school or college, you can also now apply for a 2nd grant. 

Further information here

Southwark’s Improving Mental Health and Resilience in Schools (IMHARS) and Healthy Schools Children and Young Peoples Survey in schools 2023/24 – Free Survey

The survey is free and upon completion schools will receive £300.

The survey gives your school a great wealth of data about the lives, health and wellbeing of your children which you can use in many ways. Your unique report can:

-       Help you decide upon your school’s Personal Development Programme priority areas for the next 2 years

-       Be a starting point for discussion in staff, governor, and parent meetings as well as in classroom activities

-       Provide school evidence around pupils’ personal development, behaviour and welfare

-       Inform the school community of positive wellbeing and health outcomes for pupils

-       Help you celebrate PSHE and pastoral work

-       The information gathered also provides the Local Authority with valuable information about the lives of children in Southwark (only at LA level, not school level).

How to confirm your engagement 

To confirm your school’s involvement in this year’s Health and Wellbeing Survey please register at

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions either emailing Angela at SHEU or in our SELA team.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) 2 Day Course, 3rd - 4th October 2024 and 21st - 22nd November 2024 , The Park College

The free two day in-depth youth MHFA course is open to education staff in primary, secondary, special educational needs schools, sixth form, and further education colleges, as well as Pupil Referral Units and Alternative Provision staff in state funded Southwark schools.

Register here 

Young Southwark Sexual Health (YSSH), a sexual health service for young people between the ages of 16 to 25 in the London Borough of Southwark. We’re here to support young people with their sexual and reproductive health. We provide non-judgemental support and help you to feel confident in your own journey regarding your sexual health and relationships .Our website link below provides more details about our service offer, further information here

UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools 

The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. The Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens. Find out more here


Funding for all London School’s to complete the Rights Respecting Schools Award

Developed by the VRU in a partnership with The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) through its impactful Rights Respecting Schools Award including free support, training and resources 

Violence Reduction Unit funding for UNICEF UK to offer the Rights Respecting Schools Award to all state funded education settings in all London boroughs.

Funding from London’s Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) will allow schools to register for the Award and access all training, support, and accreditations for free until March 2028. This will remove financial barriers and give any state school or education setting interested in becoming Rights Respecting the opportunity to do so, creating a lasting impact for children in London. You can read more about the impact of the Award here

Find out more here


Place2Be - Free 5-week Mental Health Champions Course

Our CPD-certified Mental Health Champions - Foundation programme is an award-winning online free mental health training course developed from our work in schools. The programme aims to:

  • enhance understanding of children and young people’s mental health in school staff, trainee teachers and youth groups

  • introduce approaches that support positive wellbeing in schools, colleges and communities.

The course is suitable for people working with children and young people of any age.

Further details here


Spotlight on Southwark School's

Please see Rye Oak Nursery's Pride Month display below, showcasing the values of inclusion and equality prominent across Southwark. 


Rye Oak Pride
Pride Display at Rye Oak Primary











Community and Cost of Living Support available to parents and families in Southwark

Southwark Council have created a guide to the various forms of support available to individuals who are encountering financial difficulties. This is available through Community Southwark, for more information please click here.  

Cost of living support and information available from Southwark Council here. 


Upcoming Dates for the School Calendar 

  • Black History Month 2024, October 2024 - This year’s theme for Black History Month is “Reclaiming Narratives,” and marks a significant shift towards recognising and correcting the narratives of Black history and culture.This theme underscores a commitment to correcting historical inaccuracies and showcasing the untold success stories and the full complexity of Black heritage. It’s about taking control of stories and honouring our heroes while challenging the narratives that have often overlooked the contributions and achievements of Black individuals both in the UK and globally. #ReclaimingNarratives. Further details here, Resources for schools. 
  • World Mental Health Day, 10th October 2024 -  this year's theme, is "It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace" The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide. Further details here

  • International Stress Awareness Week, Novemer 5th to November 9th 2024 - International Stress Awareness Week 2024 is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about stress, its impact on mental and physical health, and the importance of stress management. This week-long campaign seeks to educate individuals and organizations about stress-related issues and provide resources and strategies for coping with stress in healthy ways. Further details here. Further details here 

  • Anti-bullying Week, 11th November 2024 - 15th November 2024 - Anti-Bullying Week 2024 will take place from Monday 11th - Friday 15th November, with the theme: Choose Respect. Odd Socks Day is taking place on Tuesday 12th November, with adults and children being encouraged to wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. Further details here



 Wellbeing Resources for schools - Improving attendance


Further Resources for Schools

  • Ending Gender-Based Violence Teacher Toolkit – free resource and CPD accredited training from Tender for Secondaries The Teacher Toolkit is a free resource, developed to help schools facilitate important conversations with children and young people around GBV, and meet key elements of the RSE curriculum. It can also support staff’s vital safeguarding role. The Secondary Toolkit is available now:

  • Resources from Mental Health First Aid England - New research reveals the need for suicide awareness and prevention training in the workplace, access further details and resources here. For MHFA England’s response to Government’s National Suicide Prevention Strategy, please see hereFor Mental Health Awareness week Mental Health First Aid England has developed resources for 'Empower half hour', see here for details 

  • Free Guide to tackling Student Anxiety in Primary and Secondary Schools - Educational psychology experts at the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools have developed a guide for teachers to address student anxiety. Inside 'How to tackle student anxiety' you will discover how to identify anxiety and give your students coping techniques – with action plans for three specific areas: Low level anxiety, Social anxiety around friendship groups and Emotionally Based School Avoidance. To download the resource, please click here

  • The Black Students Mental Health Project - Good Thinking has partnered with the Black Students Mental Health Project (BSMHP) to host a range of mental wellbeing resources, including blogs, podcasts and videos, which have been created by the black community within London South Bank University (LSBU), for further details please click here

  • Childhood trauma, migration & asylum: a free toolkit for providers of supported accommodation, Anna Freud Centre - The UK Trauma Council has published a toolkit for staff working in supported accommodation for unaccompanied asylum seeking children. Drawing on the evidence-base and voices of separated young people, this resource has been developed to increase the confidence of supported accommodation staff in recognising and responding to trauma of the children in their care. Access for free here

  • Diversity Role Models - A charitable organisation working with schools to end LGBTQ+ bullying, by harnessing the power of storytelling to build empathy and celebrate difference. Free resources from Diversity Role Models includes Anti-bullying Staff Training for Schools, and Education Services including Primary and Secondary Workshops. 

  • Good Thinking's Toolkits - Collates resources for students, parents and carers and education sector staff, with a range of Good Thinking, Thrive LDN and TPHC resources as well as signposting to services such as The Student Room and YoungMindsGood Thinking's toolkits 

  • Child Bereavement Network - In light of the escalating conflicts across the world, pupils in our schools may have family or loved one's impacted by conflict and violence. The Child Bereavement Network signposts support and advice for young people impacted and resources to enable teaching staff to talk to young people about war and conflict, please see here, including resources from Place2be on talking to young people about war and conflict. For further resources to support with trauma and bereavement in young people, please see the UK Trauma Council. 

Organisations providing Mental Health Resources and Support for Children and Young People 

Young Minds 

Advice, tips and resources from Young Minds to keep your school mentally healthy.

Including, Activities, resources and lesson plans for theclassroom to support your pupils in the lead up to their exams and help them look after their mental health, as well as tips for school staff to look after their own wellbeing. 

Support for Teachers 

Support for Pupils 

Support for Parents and Carers  


Free Mental Health Support and Guidance for young people. 

Please click here resources for you to share to raise awareness of the free, safe, and anonymous support available to your students and young people.

You can find more resources, including digital assets to share on your social media pages at

Any Kooth sessions for your staff or students: Eleanor Cammegh -


MindEd is a free educational resource on children, 

young people, adults and older people's mental health. 

MindEd provides access to over 400 free sessions provided by NHS England, including Top Tips for Staff in Education Settings and Wellbeing for Education Return

To access these resources, please register here. 

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families 

The Anna Freud Centre produces evidence-based training, resources and programmes, helping schools and colleges make the mental health of their pupils and staff a priority. 

New learning modules include, Anti-Racism and Mental Health e-learning module and A Practical Guide on Helping Children and Young People to Manage Anxiety 


Join the Schools in Mind network for free here 

The Mix Connect 

The Mix Connect offers emotional support and personalised signposting 24 hours a day, empowering your students to take their mental wellbeing into their own hands.

It includes:

Over 2,000 pages of advice and information on everything from bullying and depression to self-harm and exam stress.

A directory of 16,000 sources of online and local support services.

Access to The Mix’s moderated peer support community.

24-hour crisis support via text from trained volunteers.

To find out more, please click here


The Nest

Free & confidential mental wellbeing advice and support

for young people aged 11 – 25 in Southwark

Referrals have recently been reopened for young people in Southwark. 

For information and opportunities for schools click here

To find out more and to access resources for schools, parents/carers and young people, Click Here

Papyrus - Prevention of Young Suicide 

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.

For Education and Training Opportunities, please click here

For Help and Advice Resources, please click here


Suicide Prevention: support, help and information:

·       National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK - open

from 6pm to midnight everyday on 0800 689 5652.  Anybody is welcome to call us if you need to talk.

·       Treatment and Support from Mind for suicidal feelings - 

Explains what suicidal feelings are, and what you can do if you feel suicidal right now. Also covers the causes, treatments and support options for suicidal feelings, including ways to help yourself in the long term. 

·        Samaritans Support - Call now for free on 116 123

·       Mental Health Foundation - Suicide Prevention, talking about Suicide and guidance on finding professional support.