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Southwark contacts

  • Schools Safeguarding Coordinator

    For enquiries regarding safeguarding questions and issues in schools and educational settings:
    Mr Apo ÇAĞIRICI - 020 7525 2715,


  • Southwark Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

    Duty - 020 7525 1921,
    Out of office hours - call the out of hours duty social worker on 020 7525 5000, option 3


  • Family Early Help Service (FEH)

    The duty number is 020 7525 1922 which will give four options:

    • General enquiries and signposting
    • Family Early Help Duty Manager for general advice including consultations around potential and new referrals and current casework
    • Education, Inclusion and Attendance support and advice including all enforcement activity
    • Parenting support and advice and information on parenting course and group work programmes

  • Allegations made against staff in schools

    Local Authority’s Designated Officer (LADO): Eva Simcock (, 020 7525 0689)
    LADO can also be contacted via

    There is also a duty system and one of the CP Coordinators in Quality Assurance Unit is on duty each day to deal with LADO issues when LADO is unavailable. Duty telephone number for enquiries/referrals is 020 7525 3297


  • LA’s Strategic Lead Officer for safeguarding in education services

    Alasdair Smith (Director of Children’s Services) (, 020 7525 0654)


  • Southwark's Virtual School

    Headteacher: Usha Singh (, 020 7525 4076)

    Southwark Virtual School Children in Need (CIN) Coordinator (supporting schools in addressing the needs of Children with a Social Worker): Kate Bainbridge (, 020 7525 2387)


  • Private Fostering

    To notify Southwark Council of a private fostering arrangement or for advice: 020 7525 1921,

    Specialist Private Fostering Senior Social Worker: Rachael Omotayo (, 07395 882517)