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Lower Key Stage 2

We recognise the key role that children’s literature plays across the curriculum in supporting children’s progress as readers and writers. That’s why we selected these diverse and inclusive books for children in Lower Key Stage 2, which feature characters that are traditionally under-represented. 

This list will be updated as more books are released. If you have any suggestions to add to this list, please email

You can find more diverse and inclusive lists for other primary year groups here.

The Literacy Tree has also developed a Representation of Race and Culture Booklist, which you can download here. (pdf, 138kb)

Cultural Diversity 

Lower KS2 - Cultural Diversity
Book front covers. L to R: The Lost Homework (Travellers Tales)Rumaysa: A Fairytale, Mayhem MissionSam Wu Is not Afraid of Ghosts!The No. 1 Car Spotter, Ramadan Moon and The Name Jar 

1. The Lost Homework (Travellers Tales) by Richard O'Neill 

Sonny devotes his weekend to helping his neighbours and fellow Travellers with a variety of tasks. 

2. Rumaysa: A Fairytale by Radiya Hafiza 

For as long as she can remember Rumaysa has been locked away in her tower, forced to spin straw into gold for the evil Witch, unable to leave. Until one day, after dropping a hijab out of her small tower-window, Rumaysa realizes how she might be able to escape

3. Mayhem Mission  by  Burhana Islam

Yusuf's older sister is getting married. He's ready for the delicious food, the fun with his cousins and the many presents but he s NOT ready to take her place as the responsible one. His only option: cause some chaos and ruin the wedding.

4. Sam Wu Is not Afraid of Ghosts! by Katie and Kevin Tsang 

Sam Wu is scared of many things but is determined not to let anyone find out. However, after an unfortunate incident in a space simulator on a school trip, he becomes a target for class bully Ralph, who nicknames him Scaredy-Cat Sam. He decides the best way to stop Ralph’s teasing is to develop a reputation as the bravest person in school.

5. The No. 1 Car Spotter by Atinuke 

When the family's cart breaks down and there's no way of bringing goods to market, it's No. 1 who devises the Toyota Cow-rolla and saves the day. He runs errands for his family and helps Mama Coca-Cola feed the busloads of people who stop for her delicious fried akara. No. 1 even helps Grandmother get to the medical centre when she can't afford treatment.

6. Ramadan Moon by Na'ima B Robert

 Muslims all over the world celebrate Ramadan and the joyful days of Eid-ul-Fitr at the end of the month of fasting as the most special time of year. This lyrical and inspiring picture book captures the wonder and joy of this great annual event, from the perspective of a child.

7. The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi 

Being the new kid in school is hard enough, but what happens when nobody can pronounce your name? Having just moved from Korea, Unhei is anxious about fitting in. So instead of introducing herself on the first day of school, she decides to choose an American name from a glass jar. But while Unhei thinks of being a Suzy, Laura, or Amanda, nothing feels right. With the help of a new friend, Unhei will learn that the best name is her own.

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Main Characters 

Lower KS2 - BAME Main Characters
Book front covers. L to R: Planet Omar: Accidental Trouble Magnet, The Marvellous Granny Jinks and MeNinja Kid: From Nerd to NinjaEllie and the CatShona, Word DetectiveAnisha, Accidental Detective, The Boy At the Back of the Class and Cookie (and the Most Annoying Boy in the World)

1.  Planet Omar: Accidental Trouble Magnet by Zanib Mian 

Omar has just moved into a new house with his family. Going to a new school turns out to be okay, apart from the fact that class bully Daniel tells Omar that because he's a Muslim, he's going to be kicked out of the country and will have to go and live in Pakistan. Understandably worried, Omar asks his cousin if that's true, and both hope it isn't, because there's a distinct lack of good pizza there. Plus, there's mean Mrs Rogers next door who complains loudly about Omar's mum frying onions.Yet when mean Mrs Rogers has an accident, Omar's family is there to help. And when Omar and bully Daniel get stranded on a school trip in London, Omar realises that Danny isn't so tough after all.

2. The Marvellous Granny Jinks and Me by Serena Holly 

When Jada Jinks finds a box of magic tricks in her granny’s flat, she uncovers her granny’s SECRET dream of becoming a magician. Jada soon decides that she’s going to help Granny Jinks fulfil her dreams, but one thing stands in her way – her dad, Jonny Jinks, who hates magic! Will Jada be able to help Granny Jinks pass the auditions for Dalton Green Magic Society, and will she learn some tricks of her own along the way?

3. Ninja Kid: From Nerd to Ninja by Anh Do

Nelson is a nerd! When he wakes up on his tenth birthday, he discovers he is a Ninja. The last ninja on earth. With the help of Grandmas inventions and his wild cousin Kenny, can Nelson master his new ninja skills and save Duck Creek?

4. Ellie and the Cat by Malorie Blackman

 Ellie is the rudest, most spoilt child her grandma has ever met and it's time that she learnt a lesson! So with a little bit of magic and some help from Jolly the cat, Grandma's going to make sure that Ellie changes her ways. Can Ellie work hard to prove that she can be good? Or is she destined to spend the rest of her days trapped in the body of a mean old cat?

5. Shona, Word Detective by John Agard 

Shona has always loved words. She even has her very own strange word thesaurus! When her and her classmates learn that some languages are dying out, Miss Bates tasks them with becoming top-class word detectives, proving to themselves and their families that there are many beautiful languages still thriving, even within their own classroom. 

6.Anisha, Accidental Detective by Serena Patel

10 year-old Anisha’s ultra dramatic Aunty Bindi is getting married tomorrow so tensions are already running high before the ‘wedding of the year’ - and things only get worse when Anisha gets a note saying Bindi’s groom Uncle Tony has been kidnapped, and won’t be released until the wedding is cancelled! It's up to Anisha to find Uncle Tony with the help of her best friend Milo. 

7. The Boy At the Back of the Class by Onjali Q Raúf

This is the story about how one ordinary nine-year-old child and three classmates are full of empathy for Ahmet, a boy that comes to their school as a refugee from Syria (he is the boy at the back of the class).Through their sensitivity, curiosity, ingenuity, bravery and innocent niceness, they make a massive impact on Ahmet’s life, friends, class, school, community and wider world.

8.Cookie (and the Most Annoying Boy in the World) by Konnie Huq

Cookie wants a lot of things: a pet, to get onto the TV show Brainbusters and for her best friend Keziah not to move to Solihull. But what she actually gets is a new next-door neighbour who is the most annoying boy in the world. Will Cookie be able to get over her resentment of him and make friends?