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Early Years Inclusion Fund

Conditions of funding 

From Academic Year 2024-2025 

The Early Years Inclusion Fund (EYIF) is aimed at supporting the inclusion of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in their early years. The EYIF provides additional funding to early years providers to help them meet the needs of children with SEND and ensure that they have access to high-quality early education and care. The EYIF is administered by the Local Authority (LA) and is allocated to providers based on the level of need and the cost of making provision for each eligible child.  

Conditions of Funding 

By accepting the EYIF funding, you, the early years provider are agreeing to adhere to the following conditions of funding:

The early years provider must ensure; 

  • The early years inclusion funding is used solely to provide additional support or intervention for the eligible child or children, as specified in the EYIF application form. 
  • That the additional support or intervention is delivered by suitably qualified and experienced staff, and that the quality of the provision is monitored and evaluated regularly.  
  • They comply with the relevant legislation, regulations, and guidance on early years provision, SEND, and data protection.  
  • They notify the LA of any changes in the child's circumstances, such as a change of early years setting, a change of hours, or a change of need or provision. 
  • That they work in partnership with the child's parent or carer, and any relevant professionals, to plan, implement, and review the additional support or intervention for the child. 
  • They keep accurate and up-to-date records of the funding received and spent, and the impact of the additional support or intervention on the child's learning and development. 
  • They cooperate with the LA in any audits, inspections, or evaluations of the EYIF funding and provision. 

The LA reserves the right to withdraw or reclaim the EYIF funding if the early years provider fails to comply with any of the conditions of funding, or if the LA finds any evidence of fraud, misuse, or mismanagement of the EYIF funding.