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'What's on...?'

A widget for the latest exciting things going on in Southwark...!  
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Added for May 2024 

SouthBank Centre - Rug Rhymes at the National Poetry Library

National Poetry Library puppets Federico and Firebird share some of their favourite poems, nursery rhymes and rhyming stories - click on the link to find out more details


 Rug Rhymes at the National Poetry Library (


Added for March 2024 


Songs and Smiles

Free Intergenerational Music Group for 0-4 year olds

The Together Project is the national charity that boosts wellbeing, reduces loneliness and fosters stronger, happier communities through joyful intergenerational experiences

For more information please click on the link The Together Project - SONGS & SMILES

“Everyday should start with Songs & Smiles, seeing the little ones lifted the hearts and spirits of us all”

- Gina Titley, Belong


At the charity The Together Project they run Songs & Smiles which is an intergenerational music group aimed at 0-4 year olds, their parents/carer and older adults living in care. The sessions are held in Care home/ assisted living complexes and are a wonderful morning full of singing, movement, instruments and bubbles. All finished with a chat and a cuppa! They are free/donate what you can

They currently have two sessions running in Southwark. The sessions are; 

Tuesday - Appleby Blue Almshouse, 11am

Fridays - Tower Bridge Care Home 11am

If you would like further information then please take a look at our website The Together Project - SONGS & SMILES