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Southwark Governors' Association


The next meeting will be held online on Thursday 21 March 2024 from 18:00 to 20:00. 

Independent, termly and free of charge meetings for all Southwark governors from maintained, academy and free schools providing a forum to discuss current issues and developments affecting schools and school governance.

The agenda is planned by the SGA management committee each term and will be circulated to all governors closer to the date of the meeting.

The March meeting will focus on improving attendance and behaviour, and the programme includes a welcome and foreword from Cllr Jasmine Ali, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Refugees, followed by a presentation on behaviour management and psychology from Southwark Educational Psychology team, a briefing on recent and proposed changes to statutory guidance for attendance and inclusion and the most recent report on permanent exclusions and suspensions in Southwark schools from the Family Early Help team.  You can find the agenda here. (doc, 67kb)

The management committee is made up of governor representatives from different types/phases of schools, There are currently six vacancies on the management committee and governors are invited to put their names forward for the membership. You can find more information about the SGA management committee and its role below  and find the self-nomination form here. (docx, 12kb)

SGA Aims

The SGA is an association of governors in all of the state funded schools in Southwark.  It meets once every term and its aims are

To be an independent forum for governors in Southwark.
•To encourage high standards of governance and high educational standards for children in all schools in Southwark.
•To provide a collective voice for governors to the Local Authority. To influence through consultation and debate.
•To facilitate the sharing of experience and ideas and provide information and advice to governors.

It is run by a management committee, elected by governors at the AGM (which is held in the autumn term).

The termly meetings provide governors with an opportunity to hear the latest news and developments in Southwark from the Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Adult Care and from the Director of Education.  In addition other council officers provide information on their area of responsibility and speakers are invited from a vast array of partner services, voluntary organisations and private companies.  There is also the opportunity to meet and share ideas with fellow governors.

Management Committee

The Management Committee meets once a term and its role is:

  • To be in regular communication with the LA with regard to issues related to governors and education for the purpose of forming agendas for meetings and giving helpful information to governors. In particular the MC should liaise closely with Governor Services.

  • To nominate governor representatives to partnership groups and statutory bodies as required (in between AGMs).

  • To plan and orgnise a programme of events for governors which include briefings, information sharing, discussion, support and development.

  • To set up any working parties or sub committees as required.

  • To nominate governors to attend national or regional governors' meetings and conferences.