Creating the Foundations in the Early Years.
EYFS - Adults other than teaching staff EYFS Curriculum teaching and learning
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CategoryEarly Years Foundation Stage
Target audienceEarly Years Foundation Stage
CPD points1
Total hours2.5
Type2 session/s
Session 1 – Enabling Environments: Will cover what makes a learning environment ‘enabling’ and what this means in practise. We will look at how different periods of time in the year will require different approaches and ways to support children who may be struggling to settle and/or have English as an additional language. You will have an opportunity to talk about your own learning environments and ask questions to further develop your practise.
Session 2 - Adult-Child Interactions– we will cover the adults’ role in facilitating children’s learning and how to create a language supporting classroom. This will include planning for language in meaningful contexts and possible questions to help adults engage with children in the learning environment. We will also look at some of the audit tools available to help you evaluate and assess your environment for its impact and effectiveness.