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Early Years Foundation Stage Leaders Briefing Autumn Term 2024

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CategoryEarly Years Foundation Stage

Target audienceEarly Years Foundation Stage

CPD points1

Total hours1.25

Type1 session/s



This will be the first Foundation Stage Leaders Briefing of the new academic year. 

The Early Years Team will be hosting the session and will be on hand to facilitate discussion and answer any questions.

We have chosen to remain online for our session this year and will continue to offer them at 'no cost' to maintained schools and low costs to others. We understand the challenges of getting out of school and the costs involved so we believe the best way to deliver key messages is online. This will minimise the cost of delivery and make the most efficient use of time. The recordings of the sessions will also be available for those who book the session but are unable to attend.

Thu 15:45

Online meeting (Zoom) , cameras and microphones enabled, open forum for discussion , available on demand, SE1 2QH

Session 1: 03 October 2024 - >
