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ERIC- managing children's continence

EYFS - Adults other than teaching staff EYFS

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CategoryEarly Years Foundation Stage

Target audienceEarly Years Foundation Stage

CPD points1

Total hours2

Type2 session/s



Talking about poo!

2nd July 

The ERIC Trainer (Brenda Cheer the ERIC Nurse) will help us to understand how the bowel works, what can go wrong and what to do about it. An essential first step towards understanding why some children struggle with their bowels at school. The session will include recognising constipation, and the importance of treatment, as well as how to encourage getting the poo in the loo!

Talking about wee!   

9th July

In our second session, the ERIC Trainer will explain how the bladder works, reminding us why it is essential to sort the bowels first, and why it is so important to have plenty to drink. We’ll look at how to recognise when the bladder is misbehaving, and what to do about it, identifying the role that school plays in both bladder and bowel health.

The training will also include strategies to help those children with additional needs who are anxious about being changed when ‘accidents’ do occur. 
