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17.12.24 - *FREE* Building ‘curiosity boxes’ to support language development *9 PLACES LEFT*

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CategoryEarly Years PVI

Target audienceEarly Years PVI

CPD points0

Total hours2.25

Type1 session/s



This extended 10 ideas session will focus on creating fun and exciting ‘curiosity boxes’ to encourage vocabulary and extend language skills


This session focuses on the WOW factor, thinking about how we can support AWE and WONDER by using ‘curiosity boxes’ to support children’s speech, language and communication. We shall look at creating ‘curiosity boxes’ from children’s interests and fascinations as well as those that have a random element to stimulate and inspire conversations!  

Tue 09:45

Rye Oak Children's and Family Centre, Whorlton Road, Peckham Rye, London , SE15 3PD

Session 1: 17 December 2024 - >
