Headteacher's Forum -Spring Term (1) 2024-2025
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CategoryLeadership and Management
Target audienceLeadership and Management
CPD points0
Total hours1.5
Type1 session/s
Each half term members of the local authority School Improvement Team host a breakfast briefing for Headteachers. These briefings aim to keep you up to date on key local and national issues and developments, via a number of short briefing items.

The agenda for each meeting is sent out a week in advance and will also be uploaded to the website following each briefing, along with accompanying resources and handouts.
Meetings this academic year will be alternated between online and face to face sessions.
LB Southwark Ground Floor West, Southwark Council, 160 Tooley Street, Ground Floor West, SE1 2QH
Session 1: 12 March 2025 - >