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RE Coordinators Subject Network Meeting: Southwark Schools (24_25)

Curriculum teaching and learning

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CategoryProfessional Development

Target audienceCurriculum

CPD points0

Total hours2.5

Type1 session/s



These sessions are designed to ensure that school and curriculum leaders are up to date with any guidance in these subjects. It will provide an opportunity to collaborate, network and share best practice with other local colleagues. There will also be practical help and support in how to manage these subjects.

Meet with our RE Consultant, Stacey Burman, on Wednesday 22nd January from 2:30pm to discuss and define a solid pedagogy model for RE in Southwark that can be replicated in all our classrooms. 

This session location is TBC. 




Working on Our New RE Curriculum

SACRE is the committee ultimately responsible for providing the Locally Agreed Syllabus.
All schools must continue to adhere to the current statutory Locally Agreed Syllabus until a new one has been launched.  

The current Teaching and Learning materials/resources remain available on the Southwark website and can still be used by schools until the new Syllabus is launched.

The new Teaching and Learning materials we are developing match the criteria of the current Locally Agreed Syllabus, and are in line with the new one being developed.


Thank you to those who are trialling the sample teaching and learning materials in your schools. 

This session on 17/10/24 is open to all schools who have been, or are interested in, collaborative working on new teaching and learning materials that promote effective and meaningful dialogue in RE lessons. 

Wed 14:30

TBC, To be confirmed, Local area, London, Southwark

Session 1: 22 January 2025 - >
