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Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Schools London - Physical Activity, PE & Sport


There is a growing belief that PE and sport can make a major contribution to educational attainment, public health, community cohesion and of course sporting performance at the highest level.

The Department of Health and Social Care recommend activity levels depending on age and ability:

Public Health England (2015) produced a briefing document entitled What Works in Schools and Colleges to Increase Physical Activity? (pdf, 1.5mb)   aimed at head teachers, college principals, staff working in education settings, directors of public health and wider partners.

The Association for Physical Education  provides quality assured services and resources, and valuable professional support for our members and the physical education, school sport and physical activity sector.


Since 1994, swimming and water safety has been a statutory element of the national curriculum for physical education in England. This means that every 11-year old child should leave primary school with the skills to keep themselves safe while enjoying swimming with friends and family. For more information, you can visit the National Curriculum's Statutory Guidance  or the Swim England Website.

Physical Activity, PE & Sport 

National Curriculum & Curriculum Links

National curriculum in England: PE programmes of study

Southwark's PSHE & Wellbeing Curriculum Framework 

National Subject Association afPE

Guidance on PE and sport premium for primary schools

Links to London Sport's support & website

PE and sport premium (pdf, 194kb)

The School Facilities Project


Healthy Schools London support and resources Healthy Schools London - Physical Activity

National Healthy Schools Programme (NHSP) support resources.


Physical Activity: Booklet A - Physical Activity can contribute to the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of all children, young people and staff within the school and its community.

Physical Activity: Booklet B - Physical Activity opportunities that

take place outside of curriculum time and include activities

Physical Activity Criteria Map - This resource complements the Physical Activity Booklets A and B

Southwark School Meals System 

For further information on our local school meals offer, click here


There are a number of organisations offering advice and resources around physical activity and sports, these include but are not limited to;

London Sport Logo



Sports leaders logo



School games logo


get active london


London Sport Sports Leaders School Games Get Active
greenwich dance


tfl stars


A Life Greenwich Dance British Heart Foundation Logo TFL Active Travel STAR
Youth sports trust


AfPE logo


Public health london logo


Active matters logo


Youth Sports Trust Association for Physical Education Road Injury Prevention Active Matters
mini mermaid logo


Sport England logo


Get Set logo


PESSN logo


Mini Mermaid Running Club Sport England: Primary School Sport Get Set (Olympic & Paralympic Association) The PE & School Sports Network