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  • Safeguarding training for schools and education settings

    We provide the following training courses that are available free of charge to schools and educational settings in Southwark:

        - designated and deputy designated safeguarding leads initial two-day induction training
        - designated and deputy designated safeguarding leads two yearly one-day refresher and/or half-day update training

    Training is delivered by John Guest, Catherine Rushforth and Apo Çağırıcı. Training is usually arranged through your school's designated safeguarding lead, but if you require any further information, please contact the Schools Safeguarding Coordinator Apo Çağırıcı ( , 020 7525 2715)


  • Safeguarding training for school governors

    For any safeguarding training for governors, including bespoke safeguarding training for governors that is delivered in your school/setting, contact LA's Governor Services Co-ordinator Selina McClure (, 020 7525 1205, 07523 403645)


  • Southwark Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) courses

    SSCP offers multi agency safeguarding courses on different safeguarding topics. These courses also provide a good opportunity to meet and share experiences with professonals from other partner agencies such as Children's Social Care, Health, Police, etc. These courses can be accessed and places can be booked on Southwark's training website My Learning Source via the following link:

    Southwark Safeguarding Children Partnership Courses




  • Prevent training and support for Designated Safeguarding Leads

    Further information is available here.