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Safeguarding training for schools and educational settings

We provide the following training courses for designated and deputy designated safeguarding leads (DSLs/DDSLs) in schools and educational settings in Southwark:

    - initial two-day induction training
    - two yearly one-day refresher and/or half-day update training

Training is delivered by John Guest, Catherine Rushforth and Apo Çağırıcı. Training is normally arranged through your school's/setting's designated safeguarding lead.

Starting 1 September 2024, DSL/DDSL training will be booked online by invitation only following a discussion with the LA's Schools Safeguarding Coordinator, Apo Çağırıcı about the training needs of and the appropriate courses for DSLs and DDSLs and to cover the costs of arranging training with our experienced trainers, a nominal fee will be applied to future safeguarding training courses:

     - Two-day induction courses: £100 for LA maintained schools; £150 for non-maintained schools
     - One-day refresher courses: £75 for LA maintained schools; £100 for non-maintained schools
     - Half-day update courses: £50 for LA maintained schools; £80 for non-maintained schools

For any further information/discussion, please contact the Schools Safeguarding Coordinator Apo Çağırıcı ( , 020 7525 2715).


Safeguarding training for school governors

For any safeguarding training for governors, including bespoke safeguarding training for governors that is delivered in your school/setting, contact LA's Governor Services Co-ordinator Selina McClure (, 020 7525 1205, 07523 403645)


Private Fostering Training for schools/settings to be delivered on INSET days

Southwark's Specialist Private Fostering Senior Social Worker Rachael Omotayo provides training on Private Fostering to schools and educational settings in Southwark, which can be delivered on INSET days. 

The training will be steered through a combination of presentations, case studies, and interactive discussions. It is designed to be engaging, informative, and tailored to the unique needs of our school environment. The primary goal of this training is to enhance the awareness and understanding of Private Fostering among school personnel. By providing insights into the complexities of private fostering arrangements, participants will be better equipped to identify potential cases, offer appropriate support, and contribute to the overall safety and welfare of children within our school community.

What will be covered within the training :

  1. Definition and Legal Framework: Understanding the legal context and definitions of Private Fostering to ensure compliance and adherence to regulations.
  2. Identifying Private Fostering Arrangements: Equip staff with the ability to recognise signs of private fostering and differentiate it from other family situations.
  3. Safeguarding Procedures: Outline and practice the necessary safeguarding procedures when dealing with private fostering cases, ensuring the protection of children involved.
  4. Communication and Collaboration: Highlight the importance of effective communication between school staff, parents, and relevant authorities in managing private fostering situations.

Contact Rachel (,  Mob: 0739 5882517) to discuss and/or arrange training.


Southwark Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) courses

SSCP offers multi agency safeguarding courses on different safeguarding topics. These courses also provide a good opportunity to meet and share experiences with professonals from other partner agencies such as Children's Social Care, Health, Police, etc. These courses can be accessed and places can be booked on Southwark's training website My Learning Source via the following link:

Southwark Safeguarding Children Partnership Courses


Southwark's safer recruitment training for school staff and governors:

For further information: Southwark's safer recruitment training


NSPCC's safer recruitment in education training:  

NSPCC's safer recruitment in education training


Prevent training and support for Designated Safeguarding Leads

Further information is available here.


FGM training providers:


Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation