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Southwark SACRE Newsletter for RE Coordinators

Termly Publication

September 2018 Newsletter

RE Coordinators Network Meeting

Thursday 20th September 2018 

Southwark Council Offices 160 Tooley Street SE1 2TZ


Free to attend but please book through the new Southwark system. Do come along and meet other co-ordinators and share ideas, good practice and concerns. RE Coordinators and Heads of RE Departments, KS 1, 2, and 3 are most welcome.

The Agenda will concentrate on looking at the new Southwark Syllabus which was launched in July.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

The Southwark School’s website,, has the whole current syllabus and other free guidance documents and resources under Curriculum SACRE/RE.


Southwark SACRE News

The new syllabus was launched in July at Snowfields primary school. We had speeches from the mayor and the Director of Education and some of the faith representatives from SACRE were also there. We then had a 3 hour training session led by Claire Clinton, the Newha Adviser and penny smith-Orr the RE consultant for Southwark SACRE

We are still checking schools websites for RE an CW information.  Schools must have information about which RE syllabus they are using on the website.

 We are also looking for some more Secondary teachers and a Hindu representative for the committee.

Southwark SACRE Award for Excellent RE in schools

This year the theme for our competition in 2018 was ‘RESPECT FOR ALL’

We are pleased to announce that the competition was jointly won by Beormund Special School and Redriff Primary School. The RE Coordinators of both schools were presented with a certificate and a box of Muslim artefacts which were purchased from TTS. Some of the material they sent in was on display at he launch event and we also watched films that they had sent in. Both schools had made up songs on the topic and done a lot of work to get the pupils to understand what respect for all really means.

Next years competition will be on the topic of   Living Together in Harmony, with a closing date of  June 1st 2019.

Entries should be sent to Southwark SACRE, c/o Odunola Ajibola Children's and Adult Services Department, Services  Standards Team 0-19, Hub 2, 4th Floor, PO BOX 64529, London, SE1P 5LX  Or email to penny.smith-orr@


Recently members of SACRE have been looking at the websites of schools in Southwark to see what it says about RE and Collective worship. Some websites are very comprehensive and the occasional one doesn’t mention RE at all. It is a requirement that the RE curriculum appears on your website so check and maybe update the information.

Can you offer a date for a visit by the RE consultant and one or two members of the committee to spend a couple of hours at your school looking at a lesson and discussing ways that we can support you?