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Southwark SACRE Newsletter for RE Coordinators

Termly Publication

September 2017

The RE Network meeting this term

21st September 2017 at Tooley Street


Free to attend but please book through the new Southwark system. Do come along and meet other co-ordinators and share ideas, good practice and concerns.


  • National and Local News on RE
  • You will be choosing the new Agreed syllabus for Southwark schools- either  the RE Today or Newham model
  • Useful websites- also  bring any you use to share
  • Looking at ideas for Interfaith week and other faith festivals this term
  • Any questions that you might have

The Southwark School’s website now has the whole current syllabus and other free guidance documents and resources to enhance your teaching.  Also on the website is the updated Faith Directory to help you chose a place of worship to visit.

For any advice on religious education or collective worship or for any comments on this newsletter please contact me at;  My own website also has information for Southwark teachers

Can you email me with your RE Coordinator email so that I can send you updates?

Southwark SACRE award for excellent RE in schools.


The winners of the Southwark SACRE award for excellence 2016. The chair of SACRE and the RE Consultant went along to an excellent collective worship in July on the theme of Peace.  We were welcomed by the pupils and the deputy head and teachers of RE  and gave the RE Coordinator, Lucy Lance,  the prize and certificate.  Look out for details of this year’s competition coming soon!


Recently members of SACRE have been looking at the websites of schools in Southwark to see what it says about RE and Collective worship. Some websites are very comprehensive and the occasional one doesn’t mention RE at all. It is a requirement that the RE curriculum appears on your website so check and maybe update the information.

Can you offer a date for a visit by the RE consultant and one or two members of the committee to spend a couple of hours at your school looking at a lesson and discussing ways that we can support you?