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Training & Events

Managing Wellbeing Training

This training session is designed to help schools learn how to implement a positive staff wellbeing culture, recognising that wellbeing is financial, emotional and physical.

Who is the session for?

This session is aimed at Headteachers, other SLT, SBMs and Governors.

The aims of the session are:

  • To understand the law and your legal responsibilities as a member of the leadership team.
  • To be able to spot early signs of health and wellbeing issues in your school.
  • To understand how you can implement health and wellbeing best practice in your school.
  • To understand how to manage staff absences.
  • To understand your responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010.
  • To understand the ways that you can promote health and wellbeing in your school.
  • To be able to encourage employees to recognise and address their own health and wellbeing needs.

To book: