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Health and Wellbeing Support

Southwark Wellbeing Resources



Model Health and Well-being Statement (docx, 26kb)

A health and well-being statement is a written declaration that outlines the organisation's commitment to promoting and maintaining health and well-being.

Southwark Health and Well-being References (pdf, 656kb)            

This document serves as a valuable resource, offering access to a range of professional resources to support school staff and their community. 

These resources cover a wide spectrum, including:

1. Southwark specific support for its residents

2. General health and well-being support

3. Education sector specific support

4. Support for children and young people

5. Managing bereavement


DfE Well-being Charter & Reducing School Workload

DfE - Reducing School Workload

Practical resources for school leaders and teachers to help reduce workload, produced by school leaders, teachers and other sector experts together with the Department for Education (DfE).

Education staff wellbeing charter - GOV.UK (

The education staff wellbeing charter is a declaration of support for, and a set of commitments, to the wellbeing and mental health of everyone working in education.

This is a template for schols to sign up to as a shared commitment to protect, promote and ehance the well-being of their staff.


Wellbeing Resources & Support for Schools

Education Support Partnership

Free and confidential advice for all education staff and governors.

Staff Mental Health in Education Resources

A toolkit of wellbeing resources for all education settings.

Our Frontline

Our Frontline provides 24/7 emotional support,
by call or text with trained volunteers, or online
resources, to all the workers who have been on
the frontline throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mind - Wellness Action Plan

Mind has developed the Wellness Action Plan (WAP),
to provide a framework addressing mental health concerns,
promoting well-being and preventing workplace stress.
It is inspired by Mary Ellen Copeland's Wellness Recovery
Action Plan® (WRAP®), which is a widely recognized and
evidence-based system used by individuals to manage their mental health.


Senior Leaders

Peer to Peer Support - Education Support Partnership


Free daily wellbeing telephone support service for headteachers and CEOs.


School leaders can access free wellbeing support through Education Support.
The DfE funded scheme provides free one-to-one supervision, peer support
and counselling to assistant headteachers, deputy headteachers and above. 

School leaders can apply here, even if they have access to an employee
assistance programme in their school. 



Guidance for Managers

ACAS - Time off for Bereavement

ACAS is the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service. 
They are an independent public body and they provide free
and impartial advice on employment matters.

They have drafted the above guidance on managing requests
for time off work for bereavement, that you may consider,
in the absence of any policy.

My Whole Self free resources · MHFA England

The Manager's Toolkit resources included in the toolkit
can help equip managers with the knowledge and confidence
needed to support the mental health of teams – and boost productivity.

NHS Guidance - Managing Chronic Conditions (pdf, 429kb)

This NHS Guidance provides advice to employers and
line managers on supporting employees with
long-term (also called chronic) medical conditions
through practical solutions that will benefit both
the employer and the employee.


Menopause Wellbeing

Menopause Wellbeing Action Plan (docx, 15kb)

Model guidance which is intended to provide a framework
for discussion, which will vary depending on every woman’s
specific needs.

Menopause Glossary of Terms (pdf, 110kb)

The Manager's Toolkit resources included in the toolkit
can help equip managers with the knowledge and confidence
needed to support the mental health of teams – and boost productivity.

Menopause Symptom Checklist (docx, 32kb)

This NHS Guidance provides advice to employers and
line managers on supporting employees with
long-term (also called chronic) medical conditions
through practical solutions that will benefit both
the employer and the employee.


Coping With Loss

Cruse - Bereavement Support

Volunteers who can provide support to people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.


Additional Resources

HA_Cope Better with Change (pdf, 380kb)

HA_Lead a Healthier Lifestyle (pdf, 307kb)

HA_Pacing Life (pdf, 366kb)
HA_Stress, signs & symptoms (pdf, 172kb) HA_Mental coping techniques (pdf, 284kb) HA_Exercise (pdf, 379kb)