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Southwark School Meals Transformation Programme

Free Healthy School Meals Grant Conditions

Conditions of Grant

  1. Schools to submit take up rates for Key Stage 2 twice a year (at the same time as reporting Key Stage 1 for census day).
  2. The grant is only payable to schools if they participate in the Free Healthy School Meals programme and provide school meals, free of charge, to Non-Eligible Free School Meals pupils within Key Stage 2.
  3. The grant must be spent on provision of school lunch.
  4. All school lunches provided must meet the requirements of the National School Food Standards.
  5. Schools must meet the requirements of Southwark Council’s healthy dessert policy.
  6. Schools must meet the requirements of Southwark Council’s water only primary school policy.
  7. Schools must pay all directly employed catering staff the London Living Wage. For schools currently using a third party catering provider, the provider must be instructed to pay the London Living Wage to all employees working on the contract at the earliest opportunity allowed by the contractual terms and conditions.
  8. Furthermore, when going out to tender for a school meals catering provider, any new provider must adhere to the following requirements: the provider must, to all employees working on this contract, pay the London Living wage, as a minimum; all new employees, hired by the provider, to work on this contract must be paid London Living wage, as a minimum.
  9. School and their catering provider must participate in all evaluations or reviews of the Free Healthy School Meals provision, when requested.