Advanced Early Years Child Protection Programme: Early intervention and escalation: Day 1, 04.10.2024
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CategoryProfessional Development
Target audienceEarly Years PVI
CPD points0
Total hours6.5
Type1 session/s
To provide Managers, DSL’s and experienced staff with a wide range of knowledge and skills to fulfil their statutory duties in safeguarding children.
This builds on you already existing knowledge of child protections and looks at the key issues that arise in child abuse cases. It helps practitioners identify such as, adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and the effect this has in forming cycles of abuse. It then where to go to engage early intervention and how to escalate if there are still concerns.
We will the threshold document to support understating of the role of Family Early Help and MASH and looks at failings in previous cases in the hope they will not be repeated.
This is the last chance to attend day 1.
- To build on their own and to support their colleagues in developing their existing knowledge in identifying children at risk of harm or maltreatment
- To consider adverse childhood experiences (ACES) for children and the effect this has in forming cycles of abuse
- Review in detail the Southwark Threshold guidance to gain a better understanding of which level of referral is appropriate to either Family Early Help or MASH
- To use Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (SPRs) as the basis for identifying how the Assessment Framework (2000) can assist in identifying risk and protective factors for children and their families
- Identify the importance of supervisions, information sharing and professional discussions to support safeguarding children and families
- Reflect on what documents and records we keep and if they are sufficient for identifying stability, family history and functioning and parenting capacity.