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Advanced Early Years Child Protection Programme: Safer recruitment and Allegations: Day 3, 18.10.2024

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CategoryProfessional Development

Target audienceEarly Years PVI

CPD points0

Total hours6.5

Type1 session/s



To provide Managers and DSL’s with a wide range of knowledge and skills to fulfil their statutory duties in safeguarding children.

The Advanced early year’s child protection Programme will run over 3 days in which managers and DSL’s can attend Day 1, 2, 3 at any time 

To facilitate a learning environment where managers and DSL’s have the opportunity to come together with their peers to refresh, reflect on and extend their safeguarding knowledge and practice.

You will be introduced to practices which can support you to have safer recruitment and allegation procedures in place, where safeguarding children is embedded throughout every stage of the process.


We will consider

  • Pre-recruitment planning: Job descriptions, person specification and creating the right job advert
  • Candidate selection
  • Obtaining the correct checks and references
  • Post recruitment activities, including induction, peer observation and supervision.

This will then be followed by an overview of what an allegation is and the process that needs to be followed when an allegation is made against you or a staff member in your setting. It also looks at what makes a setting safe and best practice to avoid allegations. The session will support you to understand:

  • The difference between an allegation and a complaint in the early years settings and the actions to be taken, including how to carry out the initial enquiries, the investigation and the employment, child protection and criminal processes that may need to be pursued.
  • The roles of the different agencies when an allegation has been made, including that of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), Ofsted, Health and the Police.
  • What makes an organisation / setting safe and best practice to avoid allegations
Fri 09:30

London Borough of Southwark (GO2b), 160 Tooley Street, GO2b, LONDON, SE1 2TZ

Session 1: 18 October 2024 - >
