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*FREE* Bring stories alive…it’s all about the props

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CategoryProfessional Development

Target audienceEarly Years PVI

CPD points0

Total hours3

Type1 session/s



This half day online session aims to provide ideas, thoughts and considerations to how we can use a variety of props to enhance our story telling sessions/times



This session will also focus on how story telling can be used to support children’s understanding of the world and their place within it and also help children to begin to understand the complexities of speech and language and how as early years practitioners and educators we can support these emerging communication skills and language development


This course uses video clips, group activities, written materials and interactive discussions to support learning

Some fabulous resources for you to keep will also be shared with those who attend the training

Tue 10:00

Rye Oak Children's and Family Centre, Whorlton Road, Peckham Rye, London , SE15 3PD

Session 1: 27 May 2025 - >
