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Getting Ready for Inspection


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CategoryProfessional Development

Target audienceEarly Years PVI

CPD points0

Total hours6

Type1 session/s



This full day training course will provide an overview of the current statutory and non-statutory guidance to help you prepare for your next Ofsted Inspection. 


By the end of the course, participants will be able to identify those areas of the EYFS that they should prioritise in order to meet the requirements of the EYFS 2024.


It will consider the documentation, knowledge, understanding and evidence required by practitioners to demonstrate to Ofsted the implementation of the requirements of the ‘Statutory framework for the early year’s foundation stage’ (2024)

The session will cover the three sections of the ‘Statutory framework for the Early Year’s Foundation Stage (2024)’

- Learning and Development

- Assessment

- The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements.

It will look at the ‘Early year’s inspection handbook’ (2024) headings of

- Overall Effectiveness

- Leadership and Management

- Quality of Education

- Personal Development

- Behaviour and Attitudes. 

Tue 09:30

London Borough of Southwark (GO2c), 160 Tooley Street, GO2c, LONDON, SE1 2TZ

Session 1: 04 March 2025 - >
