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*FREE* Using the environmental walks to build vocabulary *FULLY BOOKED*

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CategoryProfessional Development

Target audienceEarly Years PVI

CPD points0

Total hours3

Type1 session/s



This three hour session will aim to show how we can use the local community as our classroom for learning!  


Together we shall explore our local community and consider how we can use; what we see, hear, feel and touch in the environment to build on children’s vocabulary in the moment!

We shall spend time both indoors in the venue and sometime outside - just for a short time to capture the essence of an environmental walk!

We shall also think about those activities we can do that are low cost and no cost and be using the app 50 things to do before you are five to help us with this

Tue 10:00

Rye Oak Children's and Family Centre, Whorlton Road, Peckham Rye, London , SE15 3PD

Session 1: 18 March 2025 - >
