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Free Healthy Nursery Meals


FHNM is funded at (i) £1.40 per meal in school based nursery classes, or (ii) £1.78 per meal in maintained nurseries. The number of meals per child is calculated based on their funded hours, as follows:

For school based nursery classes:
If a child is eligible for 30 hours of funding, the school will be allocated to £7.00 a week (equivalent of 5 meals per week)
If a child is eligible for 15 hours of funding, the school will be allocated to £4.20 a week (equivalent of 3 meals per week)

For maintained nurseries:
If a child is eligible for 30 hours of funding, the school will be allocated to £8.90 a week (equivalent of 5 meals per week)
If a child is eligible for 15 hours of funding, the school will be allocated to £5.34 a week (equivalent of 3 meals per week)

Two payments will be made per financial year; one in the summer term and one in the autumn term, and will be based on the most recent January census.

As with the Free Healthy School Meals programme a 91% attendance rule is applied to the funding. This is based on average sickness, absences and those who choose to opt out.