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Free Healthy Nursery Meals


Breakfast is an important meal of the day, whether it is eaten at home or at nursery.
A healthy breakfast should include:

  • One portion of starchy carbohydrate e.g. breakfast cereals or bread
  • A portion of fruit or vegetables
  • A portion of dairy or dairy alternative e.g. milk with cereal or a low sugar yogurt
EYFS school food image
Example of a wide range of balanced breakfast items: Cookwise 

Sugar-coated and chocolate-flavoured cereals should be avoided. The British Nutrition Foundation have produced a guide to explain food labels, including for cereals.
More helpful information and examples of breakfast plans can be found in the Eat Better Start Better guide.

It is important to note that the School Food Standards apply to maintained nurseries. There are lots of resources available online, including a School Food Standards checklist