Free Healthy Nursery Meals
A two-course lunch should comply with the following guidelines and the Southwark Council dessert policy. If the main school lunches meet these guidelines then a good option would be to serve smaller portions in the nursery class.
Main course guidelines
Over a week’s menu there should be:
- Three different starchy foods, preferably wholegrain varieties
- At least one portion of fruit or vegetables with every meal, with a variety across the week
- A portion of protein each day. This could be beans, pulses, fish, eggs or meat (red meat or poultry) to provide a variety across the week
- A meat free day once a week, using alternatives such as pulses or beans
- One portion of sustainable oily fish (salmon, sardines, pilchards) at least once every 3 weeks
- Limit fried starchy foods to a maximum of once a week
Top tips for a sustainable menu
- Have fewer meat dishes
- Use sustainable fish
- Avoid processed food
- Use seasonal produce
- Base meals and snacks on locally sourced foods
- Reduce the use of dairy products
- Include more pulses, beans and lentils
- Aim for snacks to be fruit and vegetable based
Sustain have lots of information to help with making sustainable food choices
First Steps Nutrition have produced a detailed guide on healthy and sustainable diets in early years
- Balance the most commonly served snack of fruit by serving raw vegetables several times a week
- To make fruit and vegetable snacks appealing and easy to eat cut them up and present in a way so that children can make positive choices