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Early Years PVI: The Home Learning Environment - helping children to thrive (09.06.22)

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CategoryEarly Years PVI

Target audienceEarly Years PVI

CPD points1

Total hours3

Type1 session/s

CodeEYPVI 0153


The National Literacy Trusts describes the Home Learning Environment as, ‘A child’s language development begins long before they start school and is shaped by the people and places in their lives - their home learning environment’, join me for this three-hour session where we shall focus on the principles of the Home Learning Environment, the benefits and how we can work alongside parents, to effectively implement this strategy to support children’s continued learning  


In this three hour session, there will be opportunities for us to share and discuss how we use the Home Learning Environment in early years settings as a way to scaffold children’s learning and development, to work alongside parents and discuss why this strategy is key to building on children’s increased learning opportunities
