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Healthy Schools Partnership & Digests

Summer 2021: One

Dear Headteacher and Colleague,

Digest for “Improving Mental Health & Resilience in Schools IMHARS”, Healthy Schools, Healthy Lives and PSHE & Wellbeing in Education


Great news - there are now over 300 Mental Health First Aiders across over 90 schools in Southwark, tremendous achievement and testament to all your wonderful work in “Improving Mental Health & Resilience” in your school  – if your school would like to sign up more staff members, please see the CPD offer below.

SELA’s CPD & training for Wellbeing, Mental Health, PSHE & Healthy Schools

  • Stress & Trauma, Supporting Recovery Bitesize (DfE’s Wellbeing for Education),16 June, 4-5pm, Education Psychology Service, Book Here
  • RE Coordinators Subject Network: EYFS, KS1, 2 and 3, 17 June, 4-5pm, Julia Diamond-Conway, RE Consultant, Book Here
  • The new RSHE, PSHE and Wellbeing Curriculum Framework, Resource Bank & Reading Lists  into practice (version 5 - primary), 17th June, 3:45pm to 5:00pm, IMHARS & HS Champions & wellbeing Advisor, Book Here
  • Become a Mental Health First Aider – Mental Health First Aid England -two days on-line: 21 & 22 June,  9:00am - 4:00pm Book Here
  • Leading PSHE, RSHE, Mental Health & Wellbeing in school - New to the role: 22 June, 3.45-5pm Book Here


For the summer term CPD offer for “Wellbeing, Mental Health, PSHE and Healthy Schools” from the Southwark Education, Learning and Achievement Service, click here:

To book other free CPD & training, search and book on

For website and bookings queries, please email

What’s New

Clean Air Day

This year, Clean Air Day is happening on Thursday 17 June. The theme – ‘protect our children’s health from air pollution’ – was selected to highlight the urgency to safeguard our children’s health from the impacts of air pollution, for further information:

We would love you to:

  1. Create an art piece to demonstrate the lungs of London. This could be through pupils using their hands to make the shape of lungs or even a class art piece, it is entirely up to you.
  2. Take a photo of your image and share it with your local council via writing or tweeting to tell them that you support action on air pollution in your community.
  3. Run a Clean Air Day assembly or lessons and encourage people to leave the car at home on 17 June. 

LTA Youth Schools Programme

Designed specifically for primary schools and to support the curriculum, our programme brings together free PE lesson plans, personal development resources, teacher training, and much more. Take part and complete online training to receive a £250 reward voucher for your school and a free activity pack. It’s all been designed by teachers, for teachers, and it’s all free.  The LTA are an afPE Professional Development Board Approved Provider, recognising the high standard of both the resources and the teacher training we provide.


YST: Charity campaign aims for biggest ever week of school sports days this summer

The Youth Sport Trust is asking schools, teachers, parents, and organisations across the UK to get behind a national summer of school sports days after a year in which young people had their worlds turned upside down:


Traumatic Bereavement

Free, evidence-based resources to support schools, colleges and practitioners working with traumatically bereaved children and young people.  These resources will give school staff and practitioners the knowledge and tools they need to identify, help and support children and young people experiencing a traumatic bereavement.


Relationships and Sex Education Day: 24th June

The live stream will feature films and activities for children and young people to take part in. There will be an assembly to open the day that we hope all schools will join us for (approx. 9am).

We are looking for the ‘faces of RSE Day’ to tie in with our ‘faces’ theme for this year.  We would love to see many of you, your children, parents and communities getting involved in this. All it involves is filming a short video of yourself, a colleague, a child or young person finishing one of the RSE Day sentences. These will be edited together and shown on the livestream, for further information:

If you would like your school/organisation and activities to be mentioned on the day please fill in this form


British Red Cross: First Aid Champions

Create a new generation of lifesavers with your free British Red Cross first aid learning resource.  Use this resource to teach first aid: Welcome to First aid champions, a new first aid teaching site for learners aged 5-18. First aid education is now on the RSE and health curriculum in England, and First Aid Champions can be used by all schools in the UK to teach the skills children and young people need to save a life:


Relationships & Sex Education, Health Education AND Diversity, Equalities & Inclusion Education (& safeguarding themes)

Pride Month Resources

The whole of June is Pride month, where people across the world come together to celebrate the LGBTQ+ members of our communities.

Pride month is a great opportunity for schools to explore the history of the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and to celebrate diversity and difference in the whole school community.

Young people who identify as LGBTQ+ are more likely to experience mental health issues, so schools visibly supporting LGBTQ+ rights can help children feel safe to explore their identities as they get older.

We’ve collected together some resources that schools can use to celebrate Pride month, including lesson plans, worksheets and policy guidance



‘One kind word’ announced as theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2021

Anti-Bullying Week is coordinated In England by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and takes place from 15 to 19 November 2021. The week will begin with Odd Socks Day supported by CBBC and CBeebies star Andy Day and his band Andy and the Odd Socks.


“Anti-Bullying Alliance” and RSE curriculum

This linked page outlines the curriculum requirements relating to bullying under the RSE guidance: Read More


Sexual and sexist bullying

We have developed two resources to help your anti-sexual bullying work:


Online Safety Key Stage 1 PSHE Resource

We’ve created two free PSHE lessons for use with Key Stage 1 learners.

Accredited by the PSHE Association, these lessons support pupils to understand how to make safe viewing choices online and what to do if they see something that is not age appropriate.


PSHE & Wellbeing Resources incl Staff Wellbeing

Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health Resource Directory - for children, young people and their families and for professionals seeking to find the right help, advice and support to assist with emotional wellbeing and mental health problems that children and young people may be facing - Click Here


New version 5 of Southwark’s “Primary PSHE & Wellbeing Curriculum Framework, “Resource Bank” and “Reading Lists”, and new “HEP Secondary Curriculum Framework and “HEP KS3, 4 & 5  Resources pack”: Click Here


“Positive Choices” Opportunity –Relationships & Sex Education (RSE), secondary only

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is recruiting secondary schools in London into a randomised trial of a whole-school relationships and sex education intervention called Positive Choices. This is funded by NIHR.  Participating schools will have the opportunity to implement Positive Choices, an free evidence-based programme which aims to promote healthy relationships and school engagement and prevent harassment and LGBTQI bullying.  For more information, contact Chris:


External agencies and RSE

This guide aims to help schools consider how external agencies can best contribute to Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). It is also relevant to RSHE and broader PSHE education.

The guide includes checklists to check the credibility of external agencies and to quality assure their contribution to RSE.


And free registration for your school in Southwark:


Southwark’s “Improving Mental Health and Resilience in Schools” (IMHARS)

Using measurement tools to understand pupils’ mental health needs: a guide for schools and colleges

Understanding need is one of our 5 Steps towards a whole school or college approach to mental heath and wellbeing. This document focuses on how to use measurement tools to understand pupils’ wellbeing so that you can provide them with the support they need.


Ten ideas to boost your school staff’s wellbeing

Wellbeing is high on our agendas right now. With the summer fast approaching, we asked Julie Norman to give us 10 areas we might prioritise from September in order to ensure good staff wellbeing


Five steps to MH and wellbeing

Anna Freud have created an evidence-based framework so that you can decide on your own approach to mental health and wellbeing in 5 simple steps. Their 5 Steps Framework is developed by mental health experts and teachers, for teachers. READ MORE


Physical Activity, PE & Sport and Healthy Lifestyle


This Girl Can teams up with Heart

The women-focused campaign takes on its first national radio partnership to promote the physical and mental benefits of being active.


Physical health and fitness

Practical training materials for primary and secondary schools to use to train staff to teach about physical health and fitness.


Healthy Lifestyle

Practical training materials for primary and secondary schools to use to train staff to teach about healthy eating.


Other Resources

UCL Catalyst Seminar Series in Children and Young People’s Mental Health

Children and young people’s mental health is an area of considerable societal need and has been the focus of a number of recent research council and charity funding initiatives. It is also one of the UCL Mental Health Research Strategy priority areas. UCL has substantial research strengths, across multiple domains, that can and should be at the forefront of leading innovative, cross-disciplinary work in this area.

The UCL Catalyst seminar series is intended to spark fresh thinking and debate, featuring cutting-edge UCL research relevant for children and young people’s mental health and facilitating new connections between scientists working in different disciplines.


Schools Climate Summit

The LCAW Schools Climate Summit takes place on Tuesday 29 June 2021.

Please mark the date in your diary and spread the word through your

networks. Ideally starting the day with special school assemblies across
