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Industrial Action on NJC Pay 2023 - UNISON Update

UNISON has issued a statement on NJC Pay 2023.   In summary, there will be no further update until early August, once Unite’s ballots have closed on 28 July.

NJC: Council and school pay 2023 | Campaigns | UNISON National

For convenience, Unison statement as set out below –

NJC pay 2023 

Note – NJC pay covers council and school workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

"The ballot of council and school members covered by the NJC in England and Wales, on the pay offer for 2023, closed on 4 July. Regions have been sent the full results, and branches should now have the ballot results for employers in which they have members. As this was a ballot of 345,000 members in more than 4,300 employers, the process of getting results out has been a complicated one, and branches are thanked for their patience.

UNISON’s NJC Committee met on 11 July to consider the full results of the ballot. Due to the Tory anti-trade union laws, we can only take industrial action in employers where we achieved a turnout of 50% or more (with a majority voting for action). We passed this turnout threshold in a number of employers, but most of these were smaller employers. Given the legal restrictions placed on action, the NJC Committee agreed to await the ballot results from our sister union Unite, whose ballot closes at the end of July, before confirming publicly our agreed next steps.

We appreciate this causes some delay for members in moving on from the ballot, but under the circumstances we know branches will understand and bear with us.

We would like to thank branches and regions for all of your hard work and determination in getting the vote out. We will conduct a full review of the ballot very soon, so that we can learn from those areas where we did well, and work to do even better everywhere."